SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.*, 1 rooms_available, 0 rooms_booked , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta2.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta2 WHERE price_meta2.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta2.meta_key='_accommodation_min_price:2025-01-22:2027-01-22' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_price , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta3.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta3 WHERE price_meta3.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta3.meta_key='accommodation_static_from_price' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_static_price
FROM wp_posts
WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'accommodation' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY wp_posts.ID HAVING 1=1
ORDER BY accommodation_static_price ASC
LIMIT 0, 12
SUMMER SEASON! Hong Kong 3/5/7Nights + Osaka 3 Nights + Seoul 3 Nights Air + Hotel Package
Hong Kong + Osaka + Seoul
event Air + Hotel Package
flight_takeoff Departure dates:
2024 2/03 -5/23; 8/15 - 12/06; 12/24 - 31; 2025 1/01 - 5/24
Hong Kong 3/5/7Nights + Osaka 3 Nights + Seoul 3 Nights Air + Hotel Package
Hong Kong + Osaka + Seoul
event Air + Hotel Package
flight_takeoff Departure dates:
2/08 - 5/24; 8/15 - 12/6
Air + Hotel Package Taipei 3 nights + Osaka 3 Nights + Seoul 3 Nights
Taipei + Osaka + Seoul
event Air + Hotel Package
flight_takeoff Departure dates:
2/08 - 5/24; 8/15 - 12/6
Air + Hotel Package Taipei 5 nights (include 1 night Hot Spring Hotel) + Osaka 3 Nights + Seoul 3 Nights
Taipei + Osaka + Seoul
event Air + Hotel Package
flight_takeoff Departure dates:
2/08 - 5/24; 8/15 - 12/6